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World History
Posted 5 months ago
So, I have a question. Can a prehistory for one culture be different from another culture? For example, can the prehistory of Egypt be different from the prehistory the Inca?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Yes, the prehistory of one culture can be different from another culture. For example, the prehistory of Egypt can indeed be different from the prehistory of the Inca.
Key Concept
Prehistory refers to the period before written records, and it varies significantly across different cultures and regions.
Prehistory encompasses the time before written records, and it is primarily studied through archaeology, anthropology, and other scientific methods. Different cultures developed independently, leading to distinct prehistoric periods. For instance, the prehistory of Egypt includes the development of early agricultural communities along the Nile River, leading to the formation of complex societies and eventually the rise of the Pharaonic state. In contrast, the prehistory of the Inca involves the development of highland agricultural practices in the Andes, the establishment of early Andean cultures, and the eventual rise of the Inca Empire. These differences are due to variations in geography, climate, available resources, and cultural practices.

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