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asksia_official's Question
Posted 3 months ago
Solve the wave equation utt=c2uxxu_{tt} = c^2 u_{xx} for u(x,0)=sin(pix)u(x,0) = sin(pi x) and ut(x,0)=0u_t(x,0) = 0 on the domain [0,1][0, 1] with fixed endpoints.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 3 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
We start by solving the wave equation utt=c2uxxu_{tt} = c^2 u_{xx} with the given initial conditions u(x,0)=sin(πx)u(x,0) = \sin(\pi x) and ut(x,0)=0u_t(x,0) = 0 on the domain [0,1][0, 1] with fixed endpoints
step 2
We use the method of separation of variables. Assume u(x,t)=X(x)T(t)u(x,t) = X(x)T(t). Substituting into the wave equation, we get X(x)T(t)=c2X(x)T(t)X(x)T''(t) = c^2 X''(x)T(t)
step 3
Dividing both sides by X(x)T(t)X(x)T(t), we obtain T(t)c2T(t)=X(x)X(x)=λ\frac{T''(t)}{c^2 T(t)} = \frac{X''(x)}{X(x)} = -\lambda. This gives us two ordinary differential equations: T(t)+λc2T(t)=0T''(t) + \lambda c^2 T(t) = 0 and X(x)+λX(x)=0X''(x) + \lambda X(x) = 0
step 4
For the spatial part, X(x)+λX(x)=0X''(x) + \lambda X(x) = 0, with boundary conditions X(0)=0X(0) = 0 and X(1)=0X(1) = 0. The solutions are Xn(x)=sin(nπx)X_n(x) = \sin(n \pi x) for λ=(nπ)2\lambda = (n \pi)^2
step 5
For the temporal part, T(t)+(nπc)2T(t)=0T''(t) + (n \pi c)^2 T(t) = 0. The solutions are Tn(t)=Ancos(nπct)+Bnsin(nπct)T_n(t) = A_n \cos(n \pi c t) + B_n \sin(n \pi c t)
step 6
Combining these, we get un(x,t)=(Ancos(nπct)+Bnsin(nπct))sin(nπx)u_n(x,t) = \left( A_n \cos(n \pi c t) + B_n \sin(n \pi c t) \right) \sin(n \pi x)
step 7
Using the initial condition u(x,0)=sin(πx)u(x,0) = \sin(\pi x), we find A1=1A_1 = 1 and An=0A_n = 0 for n1n \neq 1
step 8
Using the initial condition ut(x,0)=0u_t(x,0) = 0, we find Bn=0B_n = 0 for all nn
step 9
Therefore, the solution is u(x,t)=cos(πct)sin(πx)u(x,t) = \cos(\pi c t) \sin(\pi x)
u(x,t)=cos(πct)sin(πx)u(x,t) = \cos(\pi c t) \sin(\pi x)
Key Concept
Wave Equation Solution
The solution to the wave equation with given initial and boundary conditions is found using separation of variables, leading to a product of sine and cosine functions.

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