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Posted 10 months ago
Suppose A and B are n × n matrices with real entries. Which of the follow are TRUE? I. The trace of A^2 is nonnegative. II. If A^2 = A, then the trace of A is nonnegative. III. The trace of AB is the product of the traces of A and B.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 10 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Review the properties of matrix trace from asksia-ll calculation list
step 2
The trace of a square matrix A A , denoted Tr(A) \text{Tr}(A) , is the sum of its diagonal elements
step 3
For statement I, the trace of A2 A^2 is nonnegative if A A is a real symmetric matrix, since the eigenvalues of A A are real and the trace is the sum of the eigenvalues. However, for a general real matrix, this is not necessarily true
step 4
For statement II, if A2=A A^2 = A (A is idempotent), then the eigenvalues of A A are either 0 or 1, and thus the trace, being the sum of eigenvalues, is nonnegative
step 5
For statement III, the trace of AB AB is generally not equal to the product of the traces of A A and B B . This is true only for special cases, such as when A A and B B commute and are simultaneously diagonalizable
Statement II is TRUE; Statements I and III are generally FALSE.
Key Concept
Trace of a Matrix and its Properties
The trace of a matrix is the sum of its diagonal elements. The trace of A2 A^2 is nonnegative only for certain matrices like real symmetric matrices. If A2=A A^2 = A , the matrix is idempotent, and its trace is nonnegative. The trace of AB AB is not generally the product of the traces of A A and B B .

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