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Computer Science
Posted 4 months ago
Suppose a computer has a address bus that consists of 
 wires. What is the maximum amount of memory that this computer can have 
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
The maximum amount of memory a computer can have is directly related to the number of wires in the address bus because each wire can carry one bit of binary information, representing two states: 0 or 1
With 20 wires in the address bus, the number of unique addresses that can be generated is 2202^{20}
Each unique address corresponds to a memory location, and if we assume that each memory location holds one byte, then the maximum amount of memory is 2202^{20} bytes
To convert this into a more understandable unit, we can express 2202^{20} bytes as megabytes (MB), where 1 MB is equal to 2202^{20} bytes
Therefore, the maximum amount of memory that this computer can have is 1 MB

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