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Posted 4 months ago

TRUE or FALSE: It is harder for water to cross a lipid bilayer (containing no membrane transport proteins) than for a sodium ion to do so.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Lipid bilayer permeability: The lipid bilayer is primarily composed of hydrophobic lipid molecules, which makes it difficult for polar or charged molecules, such as water and sodium ions, to pass through without the assistance of membrane transport proteins
Water vs. sodium ion: Water molecules, although polar, are small and can sometimes pass through the lipid bilayer via simple diffusion, albeit slowly. Sodium ions (Na⁺), being charged, face a much greater barrier due to the hydrophobic core of the lipid bilayer
Membrane transport proteins: In the absence of membrane transport proteins, the passage of sodium ions is significantly hindered compared to water molecules
Key Concept
Lipid bilayer permeability
The lipid bilayer is more permeable to small, nonpolar molecules and less permeable to polar or charged molecules. Water, being small and polar, can diffuse slowly, but sodium ions, being charged, face a much greater barrier.

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