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Posted 5 months ago
The ABC operon encodes three enzymes: A, B, and C. Upstream of the operon's promoter, there is an independent gene that encodes the regulatory protein XX. A bacterial strain from which the gene encoding XX has been completely removed is found to be unable to transcribe the ABCA B C operon even in the presence of inducer. What can be concluded about this system?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The regulatory protein X is necessary for the transcription of the ABC operon, and it likely acts as an activator.
Given information: The gene encoding regulatory protein X has been removed, and the ABC operon cannot be transcribed even with an inducer present
Conclusion: Since the operon cannot be transcribed without protein X, it suggests that X is essential for the transcription process, likely serving as an activator that responds to the inducer
Key Concept
Regulatory protein X is an activator for the ABC operon.
The inability to transcribe the operon in the absence of protein X, despite the presence of an inducer, indicates that X is required to initiate transcription, characterizing it as an activator.

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