The Frank-Heggood Consulting Company charges clients per hour. The maximum number of hours of consulting It can provide each day is 12 hours. The marginal cost of each hour of consulting is given in the table below.
Price & (hours) & Marginal cost & Marginal Revenue \\
\hline & 1 & & \\
& 2 & & \\
& 3 & & \\
& 4 & & \\
& 5 & & \\
& 6 & & \\
& 7 & & \\
& 8 & & \\
& 9 & & \\
& 10 & & \\
& 11 & & \\
& 12 & &
If the Frank-Heggood Consulting Company wants to maximize profits, how many hours of consulting should it provide each day?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) 12
(C) 9
(D) 8
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