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Posted 4 months ago

The Iron Bank wants to make sure that the purchasing power of the interest that they get paid on loans is at least 11%11 \%. Real GDP is increasing at 5%5 \% per year, and the expected rate of inflation is 7%7 \% per year.

If all banks in Westeros want to earn the same real return as the Iron Bank, what is the nominal interest rate (n.i.r)?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) 11%11 \%
(B) 16%16 \%
(c) 2%2 \%
(D) 18%18 \%
(E) 6%6 \%
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To calculate the nominal interest rate (n.i.r), we use the Fisher equation, which relates the real interest rate (r), the nominal interest rate (i), and the inflation rate (π): i=r+π i = r + π
step 2
Given that the real interest rate the Iron Bank wants to ensure is 11% 11\% and the expected inflation rate is 7% 7\% , we substitute these values into the Fisher equation: i=11%+7% i = 11\% + 7\%
step 3
Adding the real interest rate and the inflation rate: i=18% i = 18\%
The nominal interest rate (n.i.r) that all banks in Westeros would need to charge to earn the same real return as the Iron Bank is 18% 18\%
Key Concept
Fisher Equation
The Fisher equation is used to calculate the nominal interest rate based on the desired real interest rate and the expected inflation rate.

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