The countries of Montrose and Bellaire have the same GDP. Each country only consumes two goods: fish tacos and air purifiers. It turns out that due to the way fish tacos are produced in Bellaire, there is a lot more air pollution in Bellaire than there is in Montrose. People in both countries like fish tacos, but really only put up with the air purifiers to clean up after making tacos.
Assume that people value fish tacos for the enjoyment of eating them. On the other hand, air purifiers don't bring anyone any enjoyment beyond cleaning up pollution.
The table below shows the national expenditures of each country:
Good & Montrose Spending (in Billions of ) & Bellaire spending (in Billions of \) \\
\hline Fish Tacos & \ & \\
Air purifiers & & \\
GDP & &
Based on this information, what can we infer about the quality of life in these two countries?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) Montrose has a better quality of life than Bellaire because they spend more on tacos
(B) Bellaire has a better quality of life than Montrose because they spend more on air purifiers
(C) They have the same quality of life because GDP is the same
(D) They have the same quality of life because income distribution is the same
(E) We cannot infer anything about the quality of life in these countries based on this information
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