The curve above is drawn in the -plane and is described by the equation in polar coordinates for , where is measured in meters and is measured in radians. The derivative of with respect to is given by .
(a) Find the area bounded by the curve and the -axis.
(b) Find the angle that corresponds to the point on the curve with -coordinate -2 .
(c) For is negative. What does this fact say about ? What does this fact say about the curve?
(d) Find the value of in the interval that corresponds to the point on the curve in the first quadrant with greatest distance from the origin. Justify your answer.
(b) Find the angle that corresponds to the point on the curve with -coordinate -2.
(c) For , is negative. What does this fact say about ? What does this fact say about the curve?
(d) Find the value of in the interval that corresponds to the point on the curve in the first quadrant with greatest distance from the origin. Justify your answer.
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