The demand and supply schedules for lawn mowing are given below:
Price & Quantity demanded & Quantity Supplied \\
\hline & 0 & 12 \\
& 2 & 10 \\
& 2 & 8 \\
& 3 & 6 \\
& 4 & 4 \\
& 5 & 2 \\
& 6 & 0
Which of the following best describes why a price of would not be considered an equilibrium price?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) Quantity supplied is less than quantity demanded, causing a surplus, which will cause the price to fall
(B) Quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded, causing a shortage, which will cause the price to rise.
(C) Quantity supplied is less than quantity demanded, causing a shortage, which will cause the price to rise.
(D) Quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded, causing a surplus, which will cause the price to fall.
(E) Quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded, causing a surplus, which will cause the price to rise.
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