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Posted 9 months ago

The demand for Good XX is given in the graph shown here.
Which of the following could cause the shift of demand shown here?
The demand for Good XX

Choose 1 answer:
(A) An increase in income if good XX is an inferior good
(B) Buyers of good XX expect the price of good XX to decrease in the future
(c) An increase in the number of buyers of a good
(D) People do not like good XX as much as they did before
() An increase in the price of good YY, which is a complement to goodX\operatorname{good} X
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Graph Analysis: The graph shows a rightward shift from demand curve D1D1 to D2D2, indicating an increase in demand for Good XX
Potential Causes: - An increase in income if Good XX is a normal good. - An increase in the number of buyers. - Positive change in consumer preferences. - Expectation of future price increase. - Increase in the price of a substitute good
Elimination of Incorrect Options: - (A) Incorrect: An increase in income would decrease demand for an inferior good. - (B) Incorrect: Expectation of a future price decrease would decrease current demand. - (D) Incorrect: Decreased preference would shift demand leftward. - (E) Incorrect: Increase in the price of a complement would decrease demand
Correct Option: (C) An increase in the number of buyers of a good would shift the demand curve to the right
(C) An increase in the number of buyers of a good
Key Concept
Demand Curve Shift
A rightward shift in the demand curve indicates an increase in demand, which can be caused by factors such as an increase in the number of buyers, higher income (for normal goods), or positive changes in consumer preferences.

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