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Posted 5 months ago

The differentiable function ff and its derivative ff^{\prime} are graphed.

What is an appropriate calculus-based justification for the fact that ff is decreasing?

Choose 1 answer:
A) ff^{\prime} is constant.
(B) As the xx-values increase, the values of ff decrease.
(C) ff^{\prime} is negative.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To determine why the function ff is decreasing, we need to analyze the behavior of its derivative ff'
step 2
The graph shows that ff' is a horizontal line, which means ff' is constant
step 3
Since ff' is a horizontal line below the x-axis, it indicates that ff' is negative
step 4
A negative derivative ff' implies that the function ff is decreasing
(C) ff^{\prime} is negative.
Key Concept
Derivative and Function Behavior
A function ff is decreasing if its derivative ff' is negative. In this case, the graph shows that ff' is a constant negative value, which justifies that ff is decreasing.

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