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Posted 5 months ago
The diffusion coefficient of Ti\mathrm{Ti} is 2.0×105 cm2 s12.0 \times 10^{-5} \mathrm{~cm}^{2} \mathrm{~s}^{-1} and that for Cd2+\mathrm{Cd}^{2+} is 0.72×105 cm2 s10.72 \times 10^{-5} \mathrm{~cm}^{2} \mathrm{~s}^{-1}. If a I mM\mathrm{mM} solution of Cd2+\mathrm{Cd}^{2+} gives a diffusion current of 8.15μA8.15 \mu \mathrm{A}, what will be the diffusion current for a 1mM1 \mathrm{mM} solution of Ti+T i^{+}using the same polarographic cell?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Apply the Ilkovic equation: The diffusion current (IdI_d) for a reversible, Nernstian, planar diffusion-controlled electrochemical process is given by the Ilkovic equation: Id=nFAD2/3Cv1/6t1/2I_d = nFAD^{2/3}Cv^{1/6}t^{1/2}, where nn is the number of electrons transferred, FF is the Faraday constant, AA is the electrode area, DD is the diffusion coefficient, CC is the concentration, vv is the kinematic viscosity, and tt is the drop time of the mercury electrode
Calculate the diffusion current for $\mathrm{Ti}^{+}$: Given that the diffusion current for Cd2+\mathrm{Cd}^{2+} is 8.15μA8.15 \mu \mathrm{A}, we can use the ratio of the diffusion coefficients to find the diffusion current for Ti+\mathrm{Ti}^{+}. Since all other factors are constant and the concentration is the same (1mM1 \mathrm{mM}), the diffusion current is directly proportional to the diffusion coefficient to the power of 2/32/3. Thus, Id,Ti=Id,Cd(DTiDCd)2/3I_{d,\mathrm{Ti}} = I_{d,\mathrm{Cd}} \left( \frac{D_{\mathrm{Ti}}}{D_{\mathrm{Cd}}} \right)^{2/3}
Perform the calculation: Id,Ti=8.15μA(2.0×1050.72×105)2/3I_{d,\mathrm{Ti}} = 8.15 \mu \mathrm{A} \left( \frac{2.0 \times 10^{-5}}{0.72 \times 10^{-5}} \right)^{2/3}
Solve for $I_{d,\mathrm{Ti}}$: After calculating the above expression, we get the diffusion current for Ti+\mathrm{Ti}^{+}
Id,Ti13.9μAI_{d,\mathrm{Ti}} \approx 13.9 \mu \mathrm{A}
Key Concept
Diffusion current in polarography is proportional to the diffusion coefficient to the power of 2/32/3 when all other variables are constant.
The diffusion current for Ti+\mathrm{Ti}^{+} is calculated using the Ilkovic equation and the known diffusion current for Cd2+\mathrm{Cd}^{2+}, taking into account the different diffusion coefficients of Ti\mathrm{Ti} and Cd2+\mathrm{Cd}^{2+}.

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