The government of Hamiltonia engaged in expansionary fiscal policy and, as a result, ran a budget deficit. Assume Hamiltonia has an open economy and a flexible exchange rate.
What happens to real interest rates and the value of Hamiltonia's currency as a result of the budget deficit?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) There will be an increase in real interest rates and a depreciation of Hamiltonia's currency.
(B) There will be an increase in investment in plant and equipment and a depreciation in Hamiltonia's currency.
(c) There will be a decrease in real interest rates and an appreciation of Hamiltonia's currency.
(D) There will be a decrease in investment in plant and equipment and a depreciation in Hamiltonia's currency.
(E) There will be an increase in real interest rates and an appreciation of Hamiltonia's currency.
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