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Posted 5 months ago

The graph below shows the relationship between population density (in people per square kilometer) and average rent for 1-bedroom apartments in different cities.

What is the best description of this relationship?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) Positive linear association
(B) Negative linear association
(C) Nonlinear association
(D) No association
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 2
If the points tend to go upwards from left to right, this indicates a positive association
step 3
If the points tend to go downwards from left to right, this indicates a negative association
step 4
If the points show a curved pattern, this indicates a nonlinear association
step 5
If the points are scattered randomly with no discernible pattern, this indicates no association
step 6
Based on the description provided, as population density increases, the rent for a one-bedroom apartment also tends to increase, suggesting a positive linear association
[question number] Answer
Key Concept
Scatter Plot Association
A scatter plot displays the relationship between two variables. The pattern of the points indicates the type of association: positive linear, negative linear, nonlinear, or no association.

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