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Posted 5 months ago

The histogram summarizes the number of tropical storms per year in the US for 30 years.

What interval contains the 60th 60^{\text {th }} percentile for this data?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) 50 to 75 tropical storms
(B) 75 to 100 tropical storms
(C) 100 to 125 tropical storms
(D) 125 to 150 tropical storms
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To find the 60th60^{\text{th}} percentile, we need to determine the value below which 60% of the data falls
step 2
Since the data spans 30 years, the 60th60^{\text{th}} percentile will be the value below which 18 years of data fall, because 60%60\% of 30 years is 0.60×30=180.60 \times 30 = 18 years
step 3
We examine the histogram and add up the frequencies (number of years) from the lowest interval upwards until the cumulative frequency reaches or exceeds 18
step 4
The interval that causes the cumulative frequency to reach or exceed 18 will contain the 60th60^{\text{th}} percentile
The interval that contains the 60th60^{\text{th}} percentile for this data is (A) 50 to 75 tropical storms.
Key Concept
Percentiles in a Histogram
The 60th60^{\text{th}} percentile is the value below which 60% of the data falls. In a histogram, this is found by adding the frequencies of the intervals from the lowest upwards until the cumulative frequency is equal to or greater than 60% of the total number of observations.

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