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Posted 9 months ago

The market for music lessons has experienced a change in supply and a change in demand as shown here.
The market for music lessons

What will definitely happen to the price and quantity of music lessons?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) PP increased
QQ unknown
(B) PP decreased
QQ unknown
(C) PP increased
QQ stays the same
(D) PP increased
QQ increased
(E) QQ increased
PP stays the same
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To analyze the impact on price PP and quantity QQ of music lessons, we look at the shifts in supply and demand curves
step 2
The supply curve shifts from S1S1 to S2S2, which indicates an increase in supply
step 3
The demand curve shifts from D1D1 to D2D2, which indicates an increase in demand
step 4
An increase in supply would tend to decrease price and increase quantity, while an increase in demand would tend to increase both price and quantity
step 5
Since both supply and demand have increased, the effect on price PP is ambiguous without more information, but the quantity QQ of music lessons will definitely increase
Key Concept
Simultaneous shifts in supply and demand
When both supply and demand increase, the quantity traded in the market will definitely increase, but the effect on price is indeterminate without knowing the relative magnitudes of the shifts.

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