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Posted 5 months ago
The movement of ions across a cell membrane that is permeable to those ions depends on
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The movement of ions across a cell membrane that is permeable to those ions depends on the concentration gradient and the electrical gradient.
Concentration Gradient: Ions move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
Electrical Gradient: Ions also move towards an area of opposite electrical charge
Permeability: The cell membrane must be permeable to the specific ions for movement to occur
Facilitated Diffusion: If the ions cannot pass directly through the lipid bilayer, they may need the help of ion channels or carriers
Active Transport: If ions move against their concentration gradient, energy is required, usually in the form of ATP
Key Concept
Ion movement across membranes
Ions move across cell membranes based on concentration gradients, electrical gradients, membrane permeability, and may require transport proteins or energy if moving against the gradient.

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