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Posted 5 months ago

The nation of Hamsterville has passed a law that from this day forth, nobody shall sell a bowl of gazpacho for more than $10\$ 10 per bowl. Nobody really cares, however, because the equilibrium price of gazpacho in Hamsterville is $8\$ 8.

What is the term for the price control described above?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) A binding price floor
(B) A non-binding price floor
(C) A binding price ceiling
(D) A non-binding price ceiling
(E) A quota
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Definition of Price Ceiling: A price ceiling is a legal maximum on the price at which a good can be sold
Non-binding vs. Binding: If the price ceiling is set above the equilibrium price, it is non-binding, meaning it has no effect on the market price or quantity sold. If it is set below the equilibrium price, it is binding, and it causes a shortage
Application to the Scenario: Since the law in Hamsterville sets the maximum price for gazpacho at 10,whichisabovetheequilibriumpriceof10, which is above the equilibrium price of 8, the price ceiling is non-binding
(D) A non-binding price ceiling
Key Concept
Non-binding Price Ceiling
A non-binding price ceiling is set above the equilibrium price and does not affect the market.

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