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Posted 4 months ago
The number of bands on your gel and those predicted based on the restriction map should not
the same. Why is this?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
The number of bands on your gel and those predicted based on the restriction map should not be the same.
Incomplete digestion: Sometimes, the restriction enzymes may not cut all the DNA molecules at the expected sites, leading to fewer bands than predicted
Star activity: Under non-optimal conditions, restriction enzymes may cut at sites that are similar but not identical to their recognition sequences, resulting in unexpected bands
DNA degradation: If the DNA sample is partially degraded, it can result in additional bands or smears on the gel
Supercoiled DNA: Plasmid DNA can exist in different conformations (supercoiled, relaxed, linear), which can migrate differently on a gel, leading to unexpected band patterns
Key Concept
Restriction enzyme digestion and gel electrophoresis
The discrepancy between the number of bands on a gel and those predicted based on a restriction map can be due to incomplete digestion, star activity, DNA degradation, or the presence of different DNA conformations.

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