The purpose of this discussion assignment is to reflect upon your belief about how our society should be structured to achieve justice. In 1-2 pages, write a letter to one of your elected officials in which you identify an unjust circumstance in your community and advise your representative as to how it might be remedied. Include the following in your letter:
- Identify and explain the injustice in your community.
- Discuss your proposed solution.
- Explain at least one social philosophy from Chapter 9 in the textbook that supports your solution.
Submission Detail
- Remember to use supporting citations from the textbook and lectures in correct APA citation.
- Submit your response to the above discussion topic as your initial post to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned.
- After you post your initial submission, you must respond to at least two of your classmates, and to the professor when appropriate, by the end of the week, on at least two different days of the week.
Hi Christal! It looks like you've uploaded a text related to a discussion assignment. This assignment seems to be about reflecting on how our society should be structured to achieve justice. It's asking you to write a letter to an elected official, identifying an unjust circumstance in your community and proposing a solution. It also mentions using supporting citations from the textbook and lectures in correct APA citation. This assignment seems to be focused on social philosophy and justice. Let's break it down and discuss how you can approach this assignment.
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