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Posted 5 months ago

The table below shows the marginal costs of the last croissant produced by four different bakeries.
Bakery & Marginal cost \\
\hline A & $2.25\$ 2.25 \\
B & $2.75\$ 2.75 \\
C & $3.00\$ 3.00 \\
D & $3.25\$ 3.25

Which of the bakeries represented above are experiencing producer surplus at a price of $3\$ 3 per croissant?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) AA and BB
(B) A,BA, B, and CC
(C) A,B,C\mathrm{A}, \mathrm{B}, \mathrm{C} and D\mathrm{D}
(D) A and D
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Producer Surplus Concept: Producer surplus is the difference between what producers are willing to accept for a good or service versus what they actually receive
Identifying Producer Surplus: If the price received for a good is higher than the marginal cost of production, the producer experiences a surplus
Analysis of Bakeries: At a price of $3 per croissant, bakeries with marginal costs below this price are experiencing producer surplus
Determining Surplus for Each Bakery: - Bakery A has a marginal cost of 2.25,whichislessthan2.25, which is less than 3, so it has a producer surplus. - Bakery B has a marginal cost of 2.75,whichisalsolessthan2.75, which is also less than 3, so it has a producer surplus. - Bakery C has a marginal cost of 3.00,whichisequaltotheprice,soitdoesnothaveaproducersurplus.BakeryDhasamarginalcostof3.00, which is equal to the price, so it does not have a producer surplus. - Bakery D has a marginal cost of 3.25, which is more than $3, so it does not have a producer surplus
A and B
Key Concept
Producer Surplus
Producer surplus occurs when the price received by producers is higher than the marginal cost of production. Only bakeries A and B have marginal costs below the price of $3 and are thus experiencing producer surplus.

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