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Posted 4 months ago
There are many ways by which cells can communicate with each other. Using specific examples, write an essay on the diversity of cell-cell signalling mechanisms.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
The diversity of cell-cell signaling mechanisms is vast and includes various methods by which cells communicate to coordinate functions and maintain homeostasis.
Paracrine signaling: This involves the release of signaling molecules by a cell that affect nearby target cells. For example, neurotransmitters released by neurons affect adjacent neurons or muscle cells
Endocrine signaling: Hormones are released into the bloodstream by endocrine glands and travel to distant target cells. An example is insulin, which regulates glucose levels in the blood
Autocrine signaling: A cell releases signaling molecules that bind to receptors on its own surface, affecting its own activity. An example is the release of growth factors by cancer cells to stimulate their own proliferation
Juxtacrine signaling: This requires direct contact between the signaling and target cell. An example is the interaction between immune cells and antigen-presenting cells
Key Concept
Cell-cell signaling mechanisms
Cells communicate through various mechanisms such as paracrine, endocrine, autocrine, and juxtacrine signaling to coordinate their activities and maintain homeostasis.

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