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Posted 8 months ago

There has been a decrease in the supply of cheese in the market for cheese, as shown here. The initial supply curve is labeled S1S_{1} and the new supply curve is labeled S2S_{2}.

What will be the new equilibrium as a result of the decrease in supply?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) E2E_{2}
(B) PA,QYP_{A}, Q_{Y}
(c) PB,QYP_{B}, Q_{Y}
(D) E1E_{1}
(E) PB,QXP_{B}, Q_{X}
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Answer from Sia
Posted 8 months ago
Initial Equilibrium: The initial equilibrium point is E1E_1, where the initial supply curve S1S_1 intersects the demand curve D1D_1. This corresponds to the price PaP_a and quantity QyQ_y
Decrease in Supply: The supply curve shifts leftward from S1S_1 to S2S_2, indicating a decrease in supply
New Equilibrium: The new equilibrium point is E2E_2, where the new supply curve S2S_2 intersects the demand curve D1D_1. This corresponds to the price PbP_b and quantity QxQ_x
(E) PB,QXP_{B}, Q_{X}
Key Concept
Market Equilibrium
When the supply decreases, the supply curve shifts to the left, leading to a higher equilibrium price and a lower equilibrium quantity. The new equilibrium is determined by the intersection of the new supply curve and the existing demand curve.

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