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jin.park's Question
Posted 13 days ago
Think about how the water cycle impacts your own life. What are some ways you rely on the water cycle? How does the water cycle affect your daily routines?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 13 days ago
The water cycle impacts daily life by providing essential water for drinking, hygiene, agriculture, and influencing weather patterns.
Daily Water Use: We rely on the water cycle for drinking water, which is replenished through precipitation and infiltration into groundwater
Agriculture: The water cycle supports crop growth through rainfall, which is essential for food production
Weather Influence: The cycle affects weather patterns, impacting daily activities and planning, such as outdoor events or travel
Key Concept
The water cycle is essential for sustaining life and influencing daily routines.
It provides necessary water for consumption, agriculture, and affects weather, which in turn influences our daily activities.

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