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baozheqiong's Question
Posted about 2 months ago

Thionk Academy
15 Mary had ten pieces of paper. Some of them were squares, and the rest were triangles. She cut three squares diagonally from corner to corner. She then found that the total number of vertices of the 13 pieces of paper was 42 . She had \qquad triangles before making the cuts.
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Answer from Sia
Posted about 2 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Given the equations from the problem: x+20(y+20)=15x + 20 - (y + 20) = 15 and x5+y5=33x - 5 + y - 5 = 33
step 2
Simplify the first equation: x+20y20=15    xy=15x + 20 - y - 20 = 15 \implies x - y = 15
step 3
Simplify the second equation: x5+y5=33    x+y10=33    x+y=43x - 5 + y - 5 = 33 \implies x + y - 10 = 33 \implies x + y = 43
step 4
Solve the system of equations: xy=15x - y = 15 and x+y=43x + y = 43
step 5
Add the two equations: (xy)+(x+y)=15+43    2x=58    x=29(x - y) + (x + y) = 15 + 43 \implies 2x = 58 \implies x = 29
step 6
Substitute x=29x = 29 into x+y=43x + y = 43: 29+y=43    y=1429 + y = 43 \implies y = 14
x=29x = 29 and y=14y = 14
Key Concept
System of Linear Equations
To solve for xx and yy, we used the system of linear equations derived from the problem statement. By simplifying and solving these equations, we found the values of xx and yy.

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