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younglife's Question
Posted 5 months ago

This graph shows how the number of tulips Danielle, a florist, has left is related to the number of arrangements she puts together.
Tulips remaining

What is the greatest number of arrangements Danielle can put together if she wants to have 40 tulips left?
4 arrangements
5 arrangements
6 arrangements
3 arrangements
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Identify the starting point and the slope of the line
step 2
The line starts at (0, 70) and ends at approximately (10, 10), which means the slope is 1070100=6\frac{10 - 70}{10 - 0} = -6
step 3
Use the slope-intercept form of the line, y=mx+by = mx + b, where mm is the slope and bb is the y-intercept
step 4
Substitute the known values into the equation to get y=6x+70y = -6x + 70
step 5
Solve for xx when y=40y = 40: 40=6x+7040 = -6x + 70
step 6
Subtract 70 from both sides to get 30=6x-30 = -6x
step 7
Divide both sides by -6 to find xx: x=5x = 5
5 arrangements
Key Concept
Linear relationship between two variables
The number of arrangements Danielle can put together is determined by the linear relationship between the number of arrangements and the number of tulips remaining. By using the slope-intercept form of the line, we can solve for the number of arrangements when a certain number of tulips are left.

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