Using the same amount of time and resources, Tomer can either write 100 lines of code or process 20 reports, and Charlotte can either write 120 lines of code or process 20 reports.
If Charlotte and Tomer specialize and trade, who should produce which good?
Choose 1 answer:
Charlotte should specialize in writing lines of code, Tomer should specialize in reports
(B) There is no opportunity for gains from trade because neither person has a comparative advantage in producing either good.
Charlotte should specialize in reports, Tomer should specialize in writing lines of code.
Each agent should specialize in what they have a comparative advantage at producing. Charlotte doesn't have a comparative advantage in reports and Tomer doesn't have a comparative advantage in writing lines of code.
(D) Charlotte should specialize in writing lines of code but nobody should specialize in processing reports.
There is no opportunity for specialization because they both have an absolute advantage in producing one good.
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