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Posted 5 months ago
Was the presenter's sample sequence a DNA or an amino acid sequence?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The sequence is either a DNA or an amino acid sequence, but without additional information, it is not possible to determine which one it is.
To determine if the sequence is DNA or amino acid, we need specific details such as the presence of nucleotide bases or amino acid residues
DNA sequences consist of the nucleotide bases adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T), while amino acid sequences are composed of the 20 standard amino acids
If the sequence contains only A, C, G, and T (or U in place of T for RNA), it is likely a nucleotide sequence. If it contains other characters, it could represent amino acids
Key Concept
DNA vs. Amino Acid Sequences
DNA sequences are made of nucleotide bases A, C, G, and T, while amino acid sequences consist of combinations of the 20 standard amino acids. Without specific characters or context, it is not possible to definitively classify the sequence.

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