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World History
Posted 5 months ago
What are 3 key events in the Russia-Ukraine war?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 in July 2014, and the signing of the Minsk II Agreement in February 2015 are three key events in the Russia-Ukraine war.
Key Concept
The Russia-Ukraine conflict is a significant contemporary geopolitical issue with roots in historical tensions and the post-Soviet space's political dynamics.
The annexation of Crimea by Russia followed the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity and was a pivotal moment that escalated tensions between the West and Russia. The downing of MH17 further internationalized the conflict, leading to widespread condemnation and sanctions against Russia. The Minsk II Agreement was an attempt to de-escalate the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, outlining steps for a ceasefire and political settlement, although its effectiveness has been limited. These events reflect broader themes of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and international law in the post-Cold War world.

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