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Posted 5 months ago
What are five traits that are more likely to be found in males (but not exclusively)?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Five traits more likely to be found in males are: baldness, color blindness, hemophilia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and larger physical size.
Male pattern baldness: This trait is influenced by sex-linked genes and hormones, particularly testosterone
Color blindness: More common in males due to the X-linked recessive inheritance pattern
Hemophilia: A blood clotting disorder that is also X-linked recessive, thus more prevalent in males
Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Another X-linked recessive disorder that primarily affects males
Larger physical size: On average, males tend to be larger in size due to genetic and hormonal differences
Key Concept
Sex-linked traits and hormonal influences
Traits that are more likely to be found in males often involve genes located on the X chromosome or are influenced by male hormones like testosterone. Since males have only one X chromosome, recessive traits on that chromosome are more likely to be expressed. Additionally, hormonal differences can lead to traits like larger physical size in males.

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