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Posted 9 months ago
What are four general roles of microorganisms in the environment?
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Answer from Sia
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Posted 9 months ago
Microorganisms play crucial roles in decomposition, nutrient cycling, symbiotic relationships, and bioremediation.
Decomposers: Microorganisms break down dead organic matter, returning nutrients to the ecosystem
Nutrient cyclers: They are involved in processes like nitrogen fixation and carbon cycling, essential for ecosystem functioning
Symbionts: Microorganisms form symbiotic relationships with other organisms, such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria in plant roots or gut microbiota in animals
Bioremediators: Certain microbes can detoxify and decompose environmental pollutants, aiding in bioremediation
Key Concept
Microorganisms are essential for maintaining ecological balance and supporting life on Earth.
They contribute to the breakdown of organic materials, nutrient availability, mutualistic relationships with other organisms, and the cleanup of environmental contaminants.

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