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Posted 5 months ago
What are pseudogenes and processed pseudogenes? Compare.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Pseudogenes are non-functional segments of DNA that resemble functional genes, while processed pseudogenes are a specific type of pseudogene formed from mRNA transcripts.
Definition of Pseudogenes: Pseudogenes are sequences in the genome that are similar to known genes but are non-functional due to mutations, insertions, deletions, or other genetic alterations
Definition of Processed Pseudogenes: Processed pseudogenes are a subset of pseudogenes that are derived from mRNA. They are reverse transcribed and inserted back into the genome, lacking introns and often possessing a poly-A tail
Comparison: - Pseudogenes can arise from gene duplication or retrotransposition, while processed pseudogenes specifically arise from retrotransposition of mRNA. - Pseudogenes may retain introns and regulatory sequences, whereas processed pseudogenes do not have introns and usually have a poly-A tail. - Both types of pseudogenes do not produce functional proteins
Key Concept
Pseudogenes vs. Processed Pseudogenes
Pseudogenes are non-functional gene copies, while processed pseudogenes are derived from mRNA and inserted back into the genome without introns.

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