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Posted 4 months ago
What are the major ways (mechanisms) microbes resist the actions of drugs?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Microbes resist the actions of drugs through various mechanisms such as altering drug targets, inactivating drugs, and efflux pumps.
Alteration of drug targets: Microbes can mutate their DNA to modify the drug's target site, rendering the drug ineffective
Drug inactivation: Some microbes produce enzymes that chemically modify or degrade the drug before it can exert its effect
Efflux pumps: Microbial cells can possess efflux pumps that actively expel the drug from the cell, reducing its concentration and effectiveness
Key Concept
Microbial drug resistance
Microbes resist drugs through genetic mutations, enzymatic degradation, and efflux mechanisms, which can be combated by using combination therapies and developing new drugs.

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