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Computer Science
Posted 4 months ago
What are the six logical units of a computer?
Input, Output, Memory, ALU, CPU, Secondary Storage
Input, Output, Memory, ALU, Screen, USB
Screen, Keyboard, Mouse, Hardware, Software
None of the above
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
The six logical units of a computer system, often referred to as the classic von Neumann architecture, are as follows:
Logical Units of a Computer
Input: This unit is responsible for taking input from the user or from another machine. Examples include keyboards, mice, and sensors
Output: This unit is responsible for providing the result of the computer's processes to the user or to another machine. Examples include monitors, printers, and actuators
Memory: This unit stores data and instructions that the computer needs to execute. It includes both volatile memory (RAM) and non-volatile memory (ROM)
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): This unit performs arithmetic and logical operations on the data processed by the computer
Central Processing Unit (CPU): This unit is the brain of the computer where most calculations take place. It includes the ALU and control unit
Secondary Storage: This unit refers to storage devices that retain data even when the computer is turned off. Examples include hard drives, SSDs, and CDs
Based on the options provided, the correct answer is: Input, Output, Memory, ALU, CPU, Secondary Storage.

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