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World History
Posted 5 months ago
What can you tell about a person from their bones?I now you can find out how they die but can you tell what they ate exactly or would we be giving a best guess for stuff like that?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
From a person's bones, we can infer various aspects of their life, such as their diet, but often it is an educated guess based on isotopic analysis and other scientific methods.
Key Concept
Isotopic Analysis
Isotopic analysis of bones can provide information about a person's diet. For example, the ratio of certain isotopes, like nitrogen-15 and carbon-13, can indicate the types of plants and animals they consumed. However, while this gives us a general idea of their diet, it does not provide exact details of the foods they ate. It is more about understanding the proportion of different food sources in their diet. Other factors such as age, sex, and health can also be determined from skeletal remains, but these too are based on scientific inference and patterns observed in anthropological studies.

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