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Posted 10 months ago

What is the probability that if individual II- 2 and II-3 were to mate, they will produce an offspring that is heterozygous for the A locus (HINT you can ignore the other loci...)
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Answer from Sia
Posted 10 months ago
The probability that individuals II-2 and II-3 will produce an offspring that is heterozygous for the A locus is 50%.
Determine the genotypes of individuals II-2 and II-3 for the A locus. If we assume that both individuals are heterozygous (Aa), then each parent can pass on either the A or a allele to their offspring
Construct a Punnett square to visualize the possible genotypes of the offspring. The Punnett square for two heterozygous parents (Aa x Aa) will have the following combinations: AA, Aa, Aa, and aa
Calculate the probability of each genotype. The Punnett square shows that there is a 1/4 chance for AA, a 1/2 chance for Aa, and a 1/4 chance for aa. Therefore, the probability of producing a heterozygous offspring (Aa) is 1/2 or 50%
Key Concept
Punnett Square
A Punnett square is a diagram used to predict the genotypes of offspring from a particular cross or breeding experiment. It helps visualize the probability of inheriting specific alleles.

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