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Posted 5 months ago
What phenotypic characteristic of Salmonella aids in its identification?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Salmonella can be identified by its ability to ferment glucose with the production of gas, its non-lactose fermenting nature on MacConkey agar, and its production of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) which can be observed as black centers in colonies on Hektoen enteric agar.
Glucose fermentation with gas production: Salmonella species can ferment glucose, which leads to the production of gas detectable in laboratory tests
Non-lactose fermenting on MacConkey agar: Salmonella does not ferment lactose, which helps differentiate it from other Gram-negative enteric bacteria that can ferment lactose, resulting in colorless colonies on MacConkey agar
Hydrogen sulfide production: Salmonella produces hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which reacts with iron in the medium to form black precipitates, seen as black centers in colonies on Hektoen enteric agar
Key Concept
Phenotypic characteristics for bacterial identification
Specific metabolic and biochemical properties are used to identify and differentiate bacterial species, such as the ability to ferment specific sugars and the production of characteristic compounds like hydrogen sulfide.

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