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Posted 5 months ago

What price and quantity will this single price monopolist charge?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) PH;QYP_{H} ; Q_{Y}
(B) PG;QYP_{G} ; Q_{Y}
(C) PH;QXP_{H} ; Q_{X}
(D) PF;QXP_{F} ; Q_{X}
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Definition of Monopoly: A monopoly is a market structure where a single firm is the sole producer of a product with no close substitutes
Profit Maximization: A monopolist maximizes profit where marginal revenue (MR) equals marginal cost (MC)
Identifying Quantity: From the graph, the quantity where MR intersects MC is QXQ_X
Identifying Price: The price corresponding to QXQ_X on the demand curve is PHP_H
(C) PH;QXP_{H} ; Q_{X}
Key Concept
A monopolist sets the quantity where MR = MC and the price from the demand curve at that quantity.
The monopolist will produce at the quantity QXQ_X where MR intersects MC and charge the price PHP_H from the demand curve at that quantity.

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