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Posted 5 months ago

What t - cell expresses MHC II o its surface? List out the subtypes of the MHC II T vells with brief description
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Sure, let's address the question about T-cells expressing MHC II on their surface and the subtypes of MHC II T cells with brief descriptions.

T-cells that express MHC II on their surface are primarily Helper T-cells (Th cells).
Helper T-cells (Th cells): These cells express MHC II molecules on their surface and play a crucial role in the immune response by activating other immune cells
Th1 cells: These cells are involved in the activation of macrophages and are important for the defense against intracellular pathogens
Th2 cells: These cells help in the activation of B-cells and are important for the defense against extracellular pathogens
Th17 cells: These cells are involved in the defense against extracellular bacteria and fungi and play a role in inflammatory responses
Key Concept
Helper T-cells (Th cells) express MHC II molecules.
Helper T-cells (Th cells) are a subtype of T-cells that express MHC II molecules on their surface. They are essential for the immune response as they help activate other immune cells, such as macrophages and B-cells, and are involved in various immune functions depending on their subtype (Th1, Th2, Th17).

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