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elaine64389's Question
Posted 19 days ago
What the answer for cross-price elasticity between C and D
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Answer from Sia
Posted 19 days ago
Identify the Price Change: The price of Product C increases from 5to5 to 11, which is a change of 6.Thepercentagechangeinpriceiscalculatedas:6. The percentage change in price is calculated as: Percentage Change in Price=(115)(11+5)/2×100=68×100=75%\text{Percentage Change in Price} = \frac{(11 - 5)}{(11 + 5)/2} \times 100 = \frac{6}{8} \times 100 = 75\%$
Identify the Quantity Change: The quantity demanded for Product D increases from 10 units to 18 units, which is a change of 8 units. The percentage change in quantity demanded is calculated as: Percentage Change in Quantity=(1810)(18+10)/2×100=814×10057.1%\text{Percentage Change in Quantity} = \frac{(18 - 10)}{(18 + 10)/2} \times 100 = \frac{8}{14} \times 100 \approx 57.1\%
Calculate Cross-Price Elasticity: The cross-price elasticity of demand is calculated using the formula: EC,D=Percentage Change in Quantity Demanded of DPercentage Change in Price of C=57.1%75%0.7613E_{C,D} = \frac{\text{Percentage Change in Quantity Demanded of D}}{\text{Percentage Change in Price of C}} = \frac{57.1\%}{75\%} \approx 0.7613 Rounding to one decimal place gives us approximately 0.8
The cross-price elasticity between Products C and D is approximately 0.8
Key Concept
Cross-price elasticity measures how the quantity demanded of one good responds to a change in the price of another good.
A positive cross-price elasticity indicates that the two goods are substitutes, meaning that as the price of Product C increases, the quantity demanded for Product D also increases.

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