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US History
Posted 3 months ago

What was Cuba's role in the peace talks in the Treaty of Paris and the Platt
Choose 1 answer:
As one of the principal combatants, Cuba was the leading nation in
the Treaty of Paris, dictating terms to Spain and the United States
Cuba did not have a role in negotiating terms in the Treaty of
Paris; Spain agreed to cede Cuba to the US. In the Platt
Amendment, Cuba agreed to American intervention and to lease
Guantánamo Bay to the US.
Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam each sent one
emissary to the treaty negotiations, while the United States and
Spain sent dozens
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Answer from Sia
Posted 3 months ago
The correct answer is B: Cuba did not have a role in negotiating terms in the Treaty of Paris; Spain agreed to cede Cuba to the US. In the Platt Amendment, Cuba agreed to American intervention and to lease Guantánamo Bay to the US.
Key Concept
The Treaty of Paris (1898) ended the Spanish-American War, resulting in Spain ceding territories, including Cuba, to the United States. The Platt Amendment (1901) established conditions for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Cuba, including the right of the U.S. to intervene in Cuban affairs and the lease of Guantánamo Bay. (KC-7.3.II.B)
Cuba did not participate in the negotiations of the Treaty of Paris, which concluded the Spanish-American War. Instead, Spain ceded control of Cuba to the United States. Later, the Platt Amendment was incorporated into the Cuban Constitution, allowing the U.S. significant influence over Cuban affairs and the establishment of a naval base at Guantánamo Bay.

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