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US History
Posted 3 months ago

What were the plantations of the early colonial period designed to do?
Choose 1 answer:
Plant extensive food crops, like corn, wheat, and potatoes, to
supply starving populations in Europe
Produce cotton for the international textile market
Create large quantities of raw commodity crops at low cost, like
indigo, sugar, tobacco, or coffee
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Answer from Sia
Posted 3 months ago
The correct answer is C: "Create large quantities of raw commodity crops at low cost, like indigo, sugar, tobacco, or coffee."
Key Concept
In the 17th century, early British colonies developed along the Atlantic coast, with regional differences that reflected various environmental, economic, cultural, and demographic factors. (KC-2.1.II)
The plantations of the early colonial period were primarily designed to produce large quantities of raw commodity crops at low cost. These crops, such as indigo, sugar, tobacco, and coffee, were highly profitable and in demand in Europe. The plantation system relied heavily on labor, initially from indentured servants and later from enslaved Africans, to maximize production and profits. This system played a significant role in the economic development of the colonies and the transatlantic trade.

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