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Posted 5 months ago

When Priya added one more worker, she noticed that her average product of labor (APL)\left(A P_{L}\right) increased, and if she adds yet another worker her APLA P_{L} increases again.

What MUST also be true about the marginal product of labor (MPL)\left(M P_{L}\right) based on this information?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) MPLM P_{L} is negative.
(B) MPLM P_{L} equals zero.
(c) MPLM P_{L} equals APLA P_{L}.
(D) MPLM P_{L} is less than APLA P_{L}.
(E) MPLM P_{L} is greater than APLA P_{L}.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Relationship between MPL and APL: When the average product of labor (APL) increases as a result of hiring an additional worker, it implies that the marginal product of labor (MPL) of the last worker hired is greater than the APL prior to that worker being hired
(E) MPLM P_{L} is greater than APLA P_{L}
Key Concept
Marginal Product of Labor (MPL) and Average Product of Labor (APL) Relationship
If adding another worker causes the APL to increase, the MPL of the additional worker must be higher than the APL before the worker was added. This is because the MPL is the additional output from hiring one more worker, and for it to raise the average, it must be above the current average.

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