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US History
Posted 3 months ago

Where's the Bering Strait, and what does it have to do with the history of
the North American continent?
Choose 1 answer:
It's the shortest distance between the North American continent
and Denmark; medieval Vikings made their way to Vinland across
the Strait in the 10th century CE
It's the isthmus that connects Central and South America;
anthropologists and paleontologists surmise that human beings
originated there
It's a waterway that separates present-day Siberia from present-
day Alaska; historians theorize that humans made their way across
a now-vanished land bridge from Asia to North America
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Answer from Sia
Posted 3 months ago
The correct answer is C: "It's a waterway that separates present-day Siberia from present-day Alaska; historians theorize that humans made their way across a now-vanished land bridge from Asia to North America."
Key Concept
The migration of humans to North America via the Bering Strait land bridge is a significant event in pre-Columbian history, as it marks the initial peopling of the continent. (KC-1.1.I)
The Bering Strait is a narrow passage of water between Siberia (in Russia) and Alaska (in the United States). During the last Ice Age, lower sea levels exposed a land bridge known as Beringia, which allowed humans to migrate from Asia to North America. This migration is believed to have occurred around 15,000 to 20,000 years ago, leading to the settlement of the Americas by indigenous peoples.

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