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World History
Posted 9 months ago
Which excerpt from The Odyssey best shows that the ancient Greeks greatly valued the idea of home?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
The excerpt from The Odyssey that best shows the ancient Greeks greatly valued the idea of home is when Odysseus, after enduring many hardships and a long journey, weeps upon setting foot on his homeland of Ithaca.
Key Concept
The value of home and nostos (the Greek word for homecoming) in ancient Greek culture
In The Odyssey, Homer emphasizes the importance of home and the concept of nostos, which is a central theme throughout the epic. Odysseus's arduous journey and his longing to return to Ithaca, his kingdom, and his family, reflect the high regard the ancient Greeks had for the safety, comfort, and familiarity of one's own home. This is a recurring theme in Greek literature and was a significant aspect of Greek culture and identity.

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