Which of the following best describes the long-run Phillips curve (“LRPC")?
Choose 1 answer:
A downward sloping showing the tradeoff between inflation and unemployment
(B) Upward sloping showing the positive relationship between output and the price level
(C) vertical at the natural rate of unemployment
(D) Upward sloping showing the positive relationship between inflation and unemployment
(E) Vertical at the current rate of unemployment
Sure, let's address the multiple-choice question about the long-run Phillips curve (LRPC) first.
Now, let's address the other questions related to the impact of citizens in Fredland saving more on the market for loanable funds, the appropriate action for the central bank to take to reduce the impact of expansionary fiscal policy on interest rates, and the combination of monetary and fiscal policy needed to return an economy to full employment in Mithrim.
Impact of Citizens in Fredland Saving More on the Market for Loanable Funds
Appropriate Action for the Central Bank to Reduce the Impact of Expansionary Fiscal Policy on Interest Rates
Combination of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Needed to Return an Economy to Full Employment in Mithrim
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