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Posted 9 months ago

Which of the following best describes why the unemployment rate falls when someone who is unemployed stops looking for work?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) The number of people unemployed decreases; the labor force increases
(B) The number of people unemployed increases; the labor force decreases
(C) The number of people unemployed increases; the labor force increases

D The number of people unemployed decreases; the labor force doesn't change
(E) The number of people unemployed decreases; the size of the labor force decreases
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Understand the definition of the unemployment rate, which is given by the formula: Unemployment Rate=(Number of Unemployed PeopleLabor Force)×100 \text{Unemployment Rate} = \left( \frac{\text{Number of Unemployed People}}{\text{Labor Force}} \right) \times 100
step 2
Recognize that the labor force consists of all people who are either employed or actively seeking employment
step 3
Acknowledge that when someone who is unemployed stops looking for work, they are no longer considered part of the labor force
step 4
Realize that the number of unemployed people decreases when someone stops looking for work, as they are no longer counted as unemployed
step 5
Note that the size of the labor force also decreases because the person is no longer actively seeking employment
step 6
Calculate the new unemployment rate with the decreased number of unemployed and the decreased labor force, which typically results in a lower unemployment rate
Key Concept
Unemployment rate calculation and labor force definition
The unemployment rate falls when someone who is unemployed stops looking for work because both the numerator (number of unemployed people) and the denominator (size of the labor force) decrease, leading to a potentially lower rate when recalculated.

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