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Posted 3 months ago

Which of the following is the best explanation of why the price adjusts following an increase in supply?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) Price adjusts automatically when supply changes
(B) At the initial price, there will be a shortage after supply increases. Price must rise until the quantity demanded and quantity supplied are equal again.
(c) At the initial price, there will be a surplus after supply increases. Price must rise until the quantity demanded and quantity supplied are equal again.

D At the initial price, there will be a shortage after supply increases. Price must fall until the quantity demanded and quantity supplied are equal again.
(E) At the initial price, there will be a surplus after supply increases. Price must fall until the quantity demanded and quantity supplied are equal again.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 3 months ago
Initial Price and Supply Increase: When the supply of a good increases, the initial price is no longer at equilibrium. This is because the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded at the initial price
Surplus Creation: At the initial price, the increase in supply creates a surplus in the market. This surplus means that there are more goods available than consumers are willing to buy at that price
Price Adjustment: To eliminate the surplus, the price must fall. As the price decreases, the quantity demanded will increase, and the quantity supplied will decrease until a new equilibrium is reached where quantity demanded equals quantity supplied
E. At the initial price, there will be a surplus after supply increases. Price must fall until the quantity demanded and quantity supplied are equal again.
Key Concept
Surplus and Price Adjustment
When supply increases, a surplus is created at the initial price. To reach a new equilibrium, the price must fall so that the quantity demanded increases and the quantity supplied decreases until they are equal.

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